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Performing Siraj Kozhikode

Performing Siraj Kozhikode(മോഹല്ലാലിനെ മമ്മുട്ടി ആക്കുന്ന സൂപ്പര്‍ പെര്ഫോlമെന്സ്m)


Performing great mimicry artist Siraj Kozhikode

  •  Until the last mohan lal i laugh like anything.... but the last scene made few drops of tears in my eyes...and how come 20 dislike for this...... great artist a big hug Lijo Joseph 
  • Kozhikode Star ennu parnjl mathram sheriyavila.. oh.. No words machanee.. vijeesh babu 
  • Why the film director are not give him a Chance. marath jayachandran 
  • Such a blasting performance..really talented..congrats.. kumarforsongs 
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